Winter Explore! Series: A Squirrelly Snowy Valentine
How many sides does a snowflake have? Can it be too cold to snow? Students will listen to a book about snow, including some “fun facts” about the fluffy white stuff. And what about squirrels? How do squirrels find food in the winter? Can a squirrel plant a tree? Kids will take a nature hike and gather decorations for a squirrel Valentine. If there is snow, they will decorate a “snow cake” with food coloring. Otherwise, they will create a nature art Valentine for squirrels. Space is limited; register online at More info at 717-762-0373 or Fee: $6 Institute member/$7 general public.
Date and Time
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Thursday, Feb. 15, 4 to 5 p.m.
Pine Hill Recreation Area, 12684 Mentzer Gap Rd, Waynesboro, Pa.
Fee: $6 Institute member/$7 general public.
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